Ol’ Buddy, ol’ Pal

My first tribute to the daily post – Buddy

I just can’t find a way around this subject without paying tribute to my one and only son, Storm.  My husband wanted a son so badly, and as fate should have it, three daughters later he decided he wasn’t up for a 4th daughter. So rather than try our luck again, we did the next best thing…we got Boxer brothers, Thunder and Storm (I know right).

Thunder and Storm

They were the cutest pups ever, and as you see here, when they became slightly larger pups it only made them more adorable. For a year they were the best of pals.  Thunder the rowdy attention hound that would not let you within sight without being loved on.  Storm, the more laid back brother, loving the attention when he got it, but seeming to understand his brothers desire for the center stage.  Basically he was the strong yet silent type.

Sadly, around a year old, poor, poor Thunder found his little cloud in doggy heaven.  It’s still a mystery today as the cause of death, but it appeared quick and painless.  He is buried on the hill behind our house watching over us.

Storm mourned the loss of his brother, but realized rather quickly that he was now an only child.  This allowed him the attention that he willingly relinquished to Thunder.  He became the most amazing furry son I could ever ask for.  My youngest daughter and him are the same age.  One day she was just learning to toddle and headed for the country road we live on.  Storm noticed the danger that ensued and quickly went to her rescue.  He paced back and forth in front of her, blocking all of her attempts to get around him until he had her facing away from the road and guided her back to the house.  We knew then, we had something special.  He allowed her to tug on his floppy ears and even put her little baby hand right in his mouth and down his throat…she giggled at the slobbers that she retrieved from his bowel and he just gagged slightly and patiently until she was done (gross) incredible!

Storm has not only assisted in raising my children, but along the way he took on the domino2responsibility of raising our baby goat Domino.  He gave him the same guidance, taught him the boundaries of the yard and how to be a dog.  Yeah, our goat had no idea how to be a goat.  He thought he was Storms son and acted accordingly.  Sadly, Domino has a special place on the hill next to Thunder with a watchful eye over the valley.

peaches2Over the past year and a half, he has acquired yet another sibling, Peaches…a little half pint, toy Schnauzer. He seems very content having another sister around and teaching her the ropes, although she isn’t always as obedient as the goat.  She is extremely playful and loves to drive him completely bonkers and as par for a big brother he returns the favor by taking her toys and holding them up in the air so she can’t reach them.  There is no lack of entertainment in our home.

Our lives have been so complete with Storm by our side. He is 7 now, showing some grey in his muzzle and reaching the expectancy of a boxers life.  With a little cancer in his leg, nothing seems to get him down. He is still a spry little guy who forgets he is not a puppy anymore.

So, there you have it… our good ol’ buddy, ol’ pal Storm.  The best dang son a mother could want! storm and peaches


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